Throw modelizer
This project was my first Python project. My only experience in Pyhton was my lessons, but we only learnt the basis of algorithmic and programming, a bit of oriented-object programming (in Python obviously), so nothing concrete. We got an email from our physics teachers saying basically that they wanted a python app to modelize the equations they were teaching us in mechanics class. It was an equation describing the movement of an object threw in the air, according to the initial conditions. The goal was to make a script that could give the equation of the movement of an object threw in the air, according to the initial conditions, such as the gravitational acceleration, the initial speed, the initial height, etc.
So I made several versions of the program:
- the first version had to give the curve of an object thrown in the air, without considering the air resistance
- the second version had to give as many curves as asked. It was basically doing the same thing as the v1 but in order to display 2, 3 or more curves.
- the third version had to do the same as v1 but considering the air resistance. It was not harder to code, but to do all the calculus to determine the equation took me some time.
- I made a 3.2 version to display several curves while considering the air resistance.
- I made this fourth and last version in order to get a clean app. Until there, the app was just a CLI app. So I learnt the basis of TKinter in order to make a graphical interface for my app.
So the graphical interface of the last version was quite basic, nothing fancy, but it worked well and that's all I asked. In the end the app looks like that :