About me
My name is Romain, I'm a French student in Computer Sciences and Embedded Systems engineering in Polytech Tours. I also study Mathematics as a 2nd year student at the University of Tours. This website is mostly a portefolio of my projects, but I will add some cool features later.
I discovered computer sciences during my first year of bachelor's degree in math, through my Python lessons. As I liked it, I decided to go for a computer sciences bachelor's degree, then for an engineering school in computer sciences. I chose the Computer science and embedded systems formation of Polytech Tours because I think that in computer sciences, electronics skills are as important as coding skills, and you can hardly be good in low level programming if you don't know how a computer works from a hardware point of view.
I strongly believe in free software, I think that anyone should access any software that could be useful. Even though I understand the efforts and money invested by companies to make complex softwares such as Photoshop or more specifically SolidWorks, the free software community show us every day that when we really want to make a software, even a complex one, it can be made for free.
I spend most of my free time coding random things, but I also do a lot of sport, and I play the piano and video games too.
My favourite animal is the blue whale as you can see in my logo.
My resume
Check out my resume !