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My projects
Here are some of my projects, I will add more. Sometimes.
1st year of Computer Sciences bachelor's project
This is my first real programming project. The goal was to make a website in HTML/CSS, with a database and a PHP backend. We rushed the PHP a little bit due to the lack of experience of the group members, but we managed to set up most of the website. The project is available here !
1st year of Math bachelor's Physics project
The mechanics teacher asked us to do an app that could modelize the trajectory of an object thrown in the air according to certain conditions. The hardest part was obviously to do all the calculus to determine the equations that rules the trajectory of the object. The code can be found on my GitHub !
2nd year of CS bachelor's Software Engineering and Java project
The researchers of the CESR of Tours needed an app that could help them to access a database of drop caps, helping them to classify the drop caps and making their researches easier. The goal was also to implement in a real project all the stuff we learned during our Java and software engineering lessons. We worked as a group of 4 during 3 months to make an app that would best meet their needs. Again, the code is available on my GitHub !
2nd year of CS bachelor's C++ project
The C++ project's goal was to make an app that would help managing orders and deliveries. All of that is fictive, it was just for educative purpose. The GUI had to be done with Qt, and I opted for a SQLite database to store the datas. Find the code on GitHub !
1st year of engineer school C project
This is an educative project to learn how to read and write in binary files in C. The code is on GitHub !
Internship follow-up generator in Python and LaTeX
This project is a small application for the students of my promotion, allowing them to generate their internship follow-up notebook. The application is on GitHub !
1st year of engineer school C project
The teacher asked us to complete the code of a 2D game made with SDL, basically, there are 4 players moving on a 100*100 map, each move costs credits and colors a certain amount of tiles in the player's color. At the end the winner is the player who filled the most tiles with his color. The code is on my GitHub !